For Newsagents: Your Benefits


When you are Fully Compliant;

  1. You save time via electronic Delivery input
  2. You manage your cash flow via better Returns management
  3. You get a big discount off the base fee of $1120 (INC-GST) – i.e. you only pay $536 when you are a Fully Compliant newsagent
  4. You protect future sales because your Sales Inventory Data helps distributors replenish potential out-of-stock items
  5. You run your business more efficiently via a single EDI portal
  6. You save time and confusion via a single EDI portal
  7. You manage your Returns Claims process more efficiently
  8. You know at a glance what’s happening with this part of your business via
    • File notes – these tell you what data you have sent, when it arrived, what quality it is in.   Plus, you can track what data you have received.
    • Headlines – these are updates from XchangeIT and your Distributors, that might apply to you and your business
    • Reports – these will be supplied to you to show how you are on track with your data Integrity, Timeliness, and Continuity – i.e. your data quality compliance.
    • Some Features in XchangeIT LINK

      Your Associated Benefits from XchangeIT LINK1

      Single portal for all EDI

      Saves more time, easier to use, Returns claims much easier, staff training easier

      Automatically receive into your store the delivery files

      Save time (at least 2 hours each delivery)

      ALL Returns accepted, improved accuracy

      Manage your cash flow better

      Headlines, File notes, and Status boxes provide clear, accurate, instant information

      Easier to manage your business – you know what you have submitted and you know what still needs to be done.

      Positive Return On Investment (ROI)

      Potentially over 500% positive ROI  - see example calculation below

      Data management, and it’s performance

      Improves the operations and management of your business

      No Physical Returns (NPR), once qualified

      More time saving. Cost savings vary but survey responses indicate that 54.54% of agents saved at least $72 p.w. ($3,744 p.a.) in postage

      Reconciliation (RCF) facility, once qualified

      Saves up to 2 hours p.w. and automatically confirms accuracy of your returns claim

      Promotions – Are Direct, Are Media, News Corp, John Sands

      Participating agents report sales uplifts of between 5% and 12%

      More time is available to spend working on your business

      Increase your sales, your margins and the value of your business




      Updated: June 2024